Hi. My name is Spencer and I am a 4 1/2 year old Dalmatian. I currently live in Carson City, NV with my mom (and my someday newly adopted Dad!!). I was adopted when I was only 8 weeks old. My mom said that being adopted isn't anything to be ashamed of. It just means I was "chosen". Mom is also helping me with this web page as I can't type very well :). At this site you will find some really great links to some of my favorite places to visit on the web, as well as links to some of my friends pages. I really suggest you check them out. Oh yeah, and pictures of ME ! Have fun! |
See, this is me! Pretty handsome huh? |
Here is Spencer's virtual baby brother "Chittle" |
This is a card I gave to my mom. So true, so true .....:) |
This Dalmatian WebRing
This Pampered Pets Ring site is owned by Spencer. Join the Pampered Pets Ring |
Spencer is a proud member of the Cool Mutts Club. |